Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Good Morning. 

I received an amazing response from my last posting, which ended thusly:

We can indeed make our tomorrows better than our todays. You see, I have discovered the secret that will allow even the most infirm among us to do exactly that ...

Phone calls from friends, emails, social media postings ... radio and television interview requests ... it apprears that everyone wants to know this incredible secret. That everyone needs to know this incredible secret. How can this man - Bernard Otis - who is going to be 85, continue to live a life of happy, thriving tomorrows?

The nerve!

What is this incredible secret that the world must know?


Well ..? 

One more week. Promise. 

You need to be fully aware, you see. 

Enjoy your holiday, begin your diets on Friday so you'll be ready to pay attention on Tuesday!

In the meantime, I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving ...

Your Friend, 


Bernard ("Bernie") Otis is the author of the upcoming international bestseller, "How To Prepare For Old Age (If You Haven't Married Into A Wealthy Family)". If you have a question or comment, please send me an email to

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