Monday, October 28, 2013


My name is Bernard Otis. I am 84 years of age.

This is my very first Blog entry.

I actually did not know what a "Blog" was until yesterday.

Today's date is October 28, 2013.

On the day I was born someone whispered into my ear, “You are going to die.” They just forgot to tell me when.

Okay, that was a metaphor. But you get the picture.

A strange thing happened to me when I entered the world. I began to take a journey which, as I now understand it, will someday soon get me to a "final destination."

Now, to all of you young folks out there - or anyone else who is traveling with me - read what I have to say because it will surely help you on your way. Our journeys are the same, filled with much joy, some sadness ... My personal goal is to have you say, when you do get to your destination: "It was a good life."

What made my journey so interesting was that when I started out, I did not look or even act like the people I am about to describe.

What a strange group of people they were - certainly, I could never become one of "them." You know, the old ones, the men and women of my Detroit neighborhood who could barely walk, or talk for that matter. They couldn’t play baseball or tennis like I did. Surely they could not have sex. (Shhh, neither did I yet but you get the picture!) I don't even want to think about that. But these old people, they were so ... different. And they always seemed to forget ... everything.

If I was being nice, I would see an older stranger and ask, "What's your name?" Sometimes, they would just smile. I didn't even know if they could hear me, or even see me. I didn't know if they even remembered the answer to the question I asked. A public school friend once explained this condition as Old-Timer's Disease.

So guess what? As I traveled on I began to gradually change and become more and more like them. Even scarier was that my parents seemed to be moving in that direction also;  soon I found that instead of them taking care of me, I had to slowly start taking care of them

Before I knew it ... I 'was' one of "them!" I didn't think it could ever happen to me, but now that I'm here ... I'm having the time of my life!

And, though I do not fear the Reaper, I am also, emphatically, not ready to die. Along the way, I listened and learned what one has to do to be able to live a long purposeful life.

We all have the ability to choose. So ... choose life!

I've been told I have a pretty good sense of humor. I guess I need to these days, as this is what passes for humor in my world:

Three old guys, all hard of hearing, were playing golf one sunny spring morning. One says to another, "Windy, isn't it?" "No," the second man answers, "it's Thursday." The third guy, listening in, pipes up, "So am I! Let's grab a beer."

Actually, that's not half-bad. How about this one:

“An 85 year old woman is in the hospital near death and is being visited by her clergyman. She tells him that she has two final requests before she dies. He asks her what they are and she says, “First, I want to be cremated and second, I want the ashes scattered over Bloomingdales in New York.” He again asks her why she wants the ashes scattered over Bloomingdales and she replies, “That way I will be sure to be visited at least twice a week by my daughters.”

I learned so much though my journey I have been compelled to write a book and share my experience with you. It is entitled, "How to Prepare For Old Age (If You Haven't Married Into a Wealthy Family)". The book is a combination of my life story - and some wisdom I never had before. Maybe now I have - finally - found my purpose.

I will blatantly promote my book-in-progress throughout my blog entries, because it's my blog and I'm entitled to it! Actually, it's my blog and I'm promoting something I feel more strongly about than most anything in my life, save for family. I simply want to make a difference in this world.

And my vehicle ... is my writing.

Am I overstepping my bounds? No way! Who is this codger that believes he knows all there is to know about aging, about dying ... about living?

Certainly not me. I know no more than many, if not most, my age.

However, what I do hope is the difference-maker is that I'm putting the life down on paper. In the event, maybe from a cursory review of my good decisions - and otherwise - I will cultivate the audience I seek: the younger folk (defined as anyone who has not yet hit 84), who I sincerely hope will learn - and earn - from my experiences.

And maybe, also, I will leave something behind that my children, and my late wife, would be proud of.

Unaccountable others have written autobiographies. But my book, and this blog, are meant to be something more ...

So, because I still have plenty of work to do, I welcome you to my Senior Moments of life, love and wisdom ...


Bernard ("Bernie") Otis is the author of the upcoming international bestseller, "How To Prepare For Old Age (If You Haven't Married Into A Wealthy Family)". If you have a question or comment, please send me an email to


Bernard S. Otis
Bernard S. Otis Consulting Services

Bernard Otis is a noted author, writer, sales trainer and speaker, and nationally-recognized business management consultant, customer service trainer, food service facilities planner, trained hospice caregiver and community leader.

He is the past president of the Rotary, Crohn’s Colitus Foundation, the American Telemarketing Association and numerous community groups.

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